Friday, May 1, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Am I giving life my all?

Every year with much anticipation, those of us who work either look forward to or dread yearly evaluations. It is the time of the year when work performance is reviewed. The supervisor will tell us whether we meet, exceeded or did not exceed expectations. Many times if we performed well or did something outstanding during the year we will receive a bonus. What a way to end a performance review. On the other hand, if we either met or did not meet expectations we will be given some guidelines of how to perform better or even put on probation. Those yearly evaluations are great because they allow us to review work habits and consider whether or not we need to make any changes to do the best job possible. Likewise, if we review our work performance we should also take a self evaluation every year in any area applicable in our lives: 1. Spiritual 2. Self 3. Marriage 4. Children 5. Family as a whole If you evaluated yourself in the above categories, would you meet, exceed, or not exceed your expectations? I believe that as women and the staple of the family, we should do everything possible to maintain a stable and healthy life. What worked for one year may not necessarily work for the next so we must be willing to access our lives often. In today’s society, most women are not happy with themselves. They are overworked, stressed, and unhappy in the marriage, sad because they’re single, overweight, and the list goes on and on. Ladies, regardless of your title whether you are single, married, mother, caregiver or other, it is time to evaluate and make changes where necessary to have a successful life. Set your goals and expectations in the above areas in your lives and work hard to live your BEST life. We must heed the words spoken by Josiah Gilbert Holland when he said “God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest”. It is funny how if the phone quits, the plumbing goes bad, and the car needs maintenance we will move quickly to get those things assessed and fixed. But when things are bad in our lives we just let them fester then we wine and complain. I tell for the last nine years I’ve had to access my life almost daily. I must decide what is important not only for me but for my family as well. I feel that I made the ultimate sacrifice by staying and home and believe me it hasn’t been a piece of cake! But I choose everyday to tackle it with a new spirit and it is that attitude (with an occasional scream) that has helped me to survive in the role of wife and stay-at-home mom. We should pray like Psalm 51:10 says “Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
We will only get one chance to live this life so make it the best! Remember to always pray and live in God’s will and it will make everything else easier. “The secret of happiness is learning to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable.” Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Benita,
    Thanks for this powerful message with serves as a reminder that we must be obedient and submit to God's will!

    Thanks for sharing!

