Monday, March 1, 2010

Happily Dedicated

Tonight in my seminary wives class the teacher asked the question, "What word or phrase would you use to describe your marriage?" I think it caught everyone off gaurd because none of us gave an answer. I wanted to but had never thought about like that. As I was washing dishes tonight and thinking about my marriage and the words "Happily Dedicated" came to mind as our motto and I found myself saying these words:
Happily Dedicated to the man I love,
Giving thanks for him to God above.
Happily Dedicated through the good and bad,
Willing to forgive when he makes me mad.
Happily Dedicated through the storms and rain,
Focusing on the good not to complain.
Happily Dedicated in every way,
Honoring my vows to forever stay.
Happily Dedicated and committed to him,
Praying our love will never grow dim.
Happily Dedicated as God commands,
Walking this life of marriage hand-in-hand!
As Ken and I approach our 10th year anniversary this July 15, I give all thanks to God as statistics say that we should be divorced. We have weathered the loss of our first child, the cancer diagnosis and surivival of our third, and the major decision for Ken to leave the corporate world and pursue his calling in the ministry. But by the grace of God we are still together just a dedicated to our love and commitment as the day we said I do. Has it been all good all the time? No but we are Happily Dedicated.
I would like to encourage everyone to ask themeselves the same question. If you can't or don't have a good word or phrase to define your marriage then now would be a good time to start to renew your commitment and try to make your marriage the best that it can be. Marriage may sometimes come with some not so good days but in the end marriage will be what we make of it.
I am a firm believer of having prayer in a marriage. Praying with your spouse and praying for him as well. You can't stay mad a person long of whom you are praying. Marriage can be a wonderful institution when we invite God and keep him in our circle of love.
Praying tonight for your and your marraiges whether now or in the future.
Much Love,

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