Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stand for right regardless of your Past

Many people today choose to look the other way when it comes to sin. We believe that since we’ve sinned in the past we aren’t worthy to correct or point out sin. We will instead let others including our own children fail and get stuck in sin because we feel unworthy to speak out because of the past. When we choose to lock our mind and mouths to sin, we give Satan all the power he needs to get control. If God has delivered us from a particular sin or sins, we should share and try to help others from going down the same road or to steer them down another path.
We must share with people that God wants us to live a holy and righteous life. When people remind us what we use to do we must boldly say “Yes I did and just like it was wrong for me then it is wrong for you now.” Sin is sin is sin and it doesn’t matter your status or race there is a price to pay for sin. Be ever mindful of Romans 6:23 that tell us “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Make sure that your sin is in fact a sin of the past! It is hard to be a witness if we are still doing sinful things or not living according to God’s word. We must follow David’s lead when he asked in Psalm 26:2 “Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart”. David wanted to be right with the Lord so that he could proclaim with a voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all God’s wondrous works (Psalm 26:7). In other words, regardless of your past if you live right your witness can be pure and true.
He who does not forbid sin when he can, encourages it. Seneca: Troades 1. 291
Let us stand up for right with ourselves, our family, our friends and the world. It is my prayer that we won’t let our past forbid us for standing for right.
Be Blessed in the Lord,

1 comment:

  1. Benita,
    I am so proud of you and your husband. I am praying for your family. I know of your trials and God has been gracious to you.

    I admire you and Elder Lewis for your bravery in anchoring and weathering the storms that have come up in your life and I know you could not have overcome without Christ. You are a young woman to be admired, highly esteemed and an example for young mothers all over the world.

    You are a living testimony of what God can do. Many desire to hear what God is doing is your lives. I wish you well in all your endeavors. May God forever continue to smile upon you.
    Aunt Joyce Fisher Calhoun
