Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Am I giving my life my all? Part III

SELF Jean Nicolas once said “Do not shelter the mirror which reflects your soul’s lack of beauty; rather welcome the truth, and believe that next to the knowledge of God nothing is so precious as the knowledge of self.” We need to take a look in the mirror and ask the question, “Am I giving life (self) my all? When we come into the knowledge of self and accept the truth then we can make necessary changes to improve our lives. What does your mirror reflection tell you about how you are treating yourself? What importance do you place on your life? Last week we looked at our spiritual life and today we will focus on “self” (physical and emotional health). When it comes to our physical, we will make sure that we look good on the outside. We have our weekly hair and nail appointments, we keep our makeup handy and our clothes we ensure that we have the latest and the greatest. But many times we are a dressed up mess! As women we often times walk around with the appearance that we have it going on but in actuality we are about the crumble. We all come in different shapes and sizes and we need to know our physical and emotional health and what is best for them. Some us maybe overweight, underweight or even slim but the bottom line is, are you healthy? Are you eating healthy? Do you exercise? Are you feeding your mind with healthy things instead of garbage? Are you associated with things or people that clutter your mind? We need to take an assessment and determine what we need to do to live a better and healthier life. I know that I am choosing to be around positive people. I am choosing to feed my mind with healthy reading, TV watching and conversation. I am choosing to exercise daily even if my husband has to pick me up out of the bed some mornings and motivate me. I am choosing to live the best that I can for myself and God. If mirror reflection reflects to you today that you need to make some changes, make the decision to live your best life. Remember we never plan to fail, we just fail to plan. You may have to get rid of some things or some people because some things and people are but for a season. Commit to memory Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. My prayer is that we will grow stronger in the Lord and take care of our physical and emotional health so that we may live our best life. Love, Benita


  1. I don't know if anyone else is enjoying this as much but keep letting God use you girl and may you be Blessed

  2. Thanks for doing this Benita. It really puts a lot of things in perspective. WySandra Lewis (cuz)

  3. The site is great girl you got me thinking now, about the aspects of my life putting everything in order with GOD beig first as always. Keep writing and blessing God, and (me) Others.
    Love Lisa G.
